Solipsa I. Echo, voice, oh carry through this void whose edge I desperate grasp; fly fast and far before my fingers lose their grip and I should fall out into nothing and be nought; rebound and bring me back myself redoubled: A hundred voices chorused in a paean, joining in praise reverberant, granting strength to vault me from this harrowing precipice, back towards the center and to safety, free my way to make then, never more to wander out among these jagged limns where all does sudden cease, a drop from darkness into darkness darker, emptier still, resounding silence thick as stone, a flowing syrup that seeps between the sinews, coils itself about the bones and freezes up their marrow. To save me from this inverse maw whose airs, whose vapours supplant the warmer blood in me, weaken my will and ever weigh at me, I'll sing me to myself, my circumstance describe, declare with virile words, phrases able to reach, to puncture through into some idle, waiting mind, some fertile field unsewn, thereon to strew their seeds, impregn with burgeoning thoughts, to bloom and bear forth seeds that scatter on the winds and propagate a thousand other fields in divers climes in disparate districts, scattered as these seeds across most high Phenomi's wide demesne, Phenomelä whose borders want no fence, no foss, and need no warders on patrol, being thus bounded by the endless chasm. O'er fens and brakes, all desert spaces fly my dimming voice, and sing these into life. Make populous the barren lands and build, oh catena of words, yourselves out of yourselves, build up inside the breasts to spring from every tongue into the air and swirling like some wanton wraith,­-though yet not carefree, of a dreadful aim possessed, purposed to succor me in my foolish plight where I peregrinating lost my way and stumbled almost o'er the edge of all-- do you my will: I thus entrust, beseech, command you, do as circumstance prescribes, raise up whole races like to me, whole realms, vast emperies gilt in artifice, glutted in lavish splendor if these you beseem propitious to increase, to promulgate, but do not else the mean, the lowly way disdain. To spread along the trammelled ground like creeping vines or stretch toward the heavens like towering pines atop far hills: Either may fit our pressing end, to free and to Phenomelä its Regent Queen return, its sole inhabitant besides, and spin me subjects, retinues of me o'er which my sceptre sovereign might rule. I long to step back from this edge, regain my footing in the realms of Phenomi. II. Before proceeding, this I must describe: As fruit of seeds planted in sundry climes take on the aspect of the place so they may better serve as supp those dwelling there, thus this song's myriad syllables and words, abundant phrases, bearing fruit will match the temper of the region, of the time, so in a thousand forms, one for each tract, for every county of Phenomelä phrases and syllables will bloom distinct, images fitting to the field its soil, the song transmute itself to fit the vessel and from the vessel be distilled like spirits aged in the local style, ripe to share amongst the kindred of that place. So as the song ages, more congruous in tune and harmony to local trills it will become, discordant though it was in those first unripe sips before it could ferment. As sunlight through a coloured pane assumes its shade upon the sanctum's plastered walls, alights the curling palls of censer smoke, so shall these words take form behind the eyes, as sense from unsense blossoming in the gloom. Now let me speed my song, propel my tale at last, echo my words unto the void. I launched out from a spot I'd deemed a centre abaft a coracle of woven thoughts, cast out with oars upon dark waters still as stillness that I'd found inside of me. From that sure spot, that certain, central shore I rowed my craft in longing and in search of waters more swift and novel airs more brisk, to rouse me from my endless languidness, my torpid listlessness and slumbering. So little and ill do I recall of aught before my setting out; I scarce recall the spinning, the careful weaving of my thoughts, persisting with deft fingers o'er those stiff, those sluggish thoughts that seldom deigned to stir until at last the work stood sculpted on the shore, all of a piece, a congeries of dream and idle fancy calcified into the craft that bore me on my way through distances vast, through calms and savage storms. Less light then air, though lighter than the dusk of water over which I rowed in calms and later sailed in gusting winds that craft has proved, whose gunwales were my dreams, whose keel was my desire, whose every beam was born of me, from bow to stern, from port to star, from hull up to the mast, even the sail sewn from my ken, my old imaginings, the sparks of light that in awareness flicker and currents form coursing all of their own, though parallel to those surrounding waters. In dark I rowed, in dimness and in murk I raised the sail and trimmed it constantly in those capricious winds, those swirling airs that sped me where they would, them trusting since I had no certain course nor sure design except to heel before the wind, to glide o'er waters obsidian and find myself other and else than I had hereto been. III. After some unknown span of time a light, a faint star far ahead illumed the dusk I had not prior known burdened the air. A light it was, though then I knew it not and lay confused and awed inside my skiff as I drew nearer and it brighter burned and flickered inside my eyes, my starlit gaze. It grew until it compassed sky and waves; until my boat, myself, swiftly enveloped and frozen still I stood, girdled in warmth, suffusing warmth whose touch I had not dreamt and blazing light no eyes ever beheld. The winds died off without that lambent sphere, their strength repelled, inside the center of that place leaving me calmed and raimented in cloths of brazen air, glistering garb the like of something in myself now heard anew, ringing, resounding with the air in timbre sweet, in mellifluous tones. Beyond the sphere where never light was known nor shadows e'er had grown was now become adumbrated and dim, and saddened me. Loth then I was to leave this radiant space, cast out again upon adumbral waters, surrender trust to the capricious winds wanting for star, compass, or other light to seek, bound ever to peregrinate over the featureless water's glossy sheen. My craft whose woven thoughts were aureate gilt, whose every beam lustred and from whose mast the sail draped down in thin--spun argent folds, my wondrous craft would become dim as those surrounding watery wastes, so I surmised. I looked about. I could not here remain. With new resolve from nowhere sprung, I then purposed to leave and yet not leave the light, to means devise to bear the light with me wither I went. Myself resolved, the rest could not but follow. I reached out from my craft and drew it, fragile as a flowerbud, up off the water's sheen into my hands. Its surface shone and from intricate curls droplets of water ran like dew o'er petals. A spot was ready made within the bow and there I rested it, secure from harm, fixed so to blazon forth and light my course. Now, finally, the world would not be dim. I'd sat in emptiness, floated in void for ages long. I'd lost and senseless lain while gathering up my strength and all my words then wove them into wings to bear myself wither I would upon the limpid airs of that desert and formless place. Ere long I'd sailed a pinprick broke the void and towards it's novel gleam I'd steered. It was the first one, mostly vacant of those rich and various marvels wherewith many isles of light later were lavishly embued. This one, this weightless, purely gleaming thing I set upon my brow, I wore it as a stone set in a diadem, delighting in the rays it cast before me through the dusk. Even this light I've lost. But like my wings, my coracle, it served me faithfully. IV. The first reverberations of my song returning back I think to now make out though still far off and faint, piteously faint. They stir in me new thoughts and words, pictures refleshed, remembered from my peregrines through endless realms of light, through storms of sound, through void, through heat, through fragrance blossoming and hues cascading, shimmering in falls in soaring seas, in thunderous arcs that burn the gaze, bursting from pits of syrupy night, demesnes of pure sensation where there was no need to go in flesh, only to drift as floating self and soak its substance up. These worlds, these regions of Phenomelä I next shall sing, and singing honor them.