

Finance Strategy


More Specific

Invest with a simple 2-5 fund strategy. Look for low expense-ratio funds e.g. this sample 3-fund portfolio in Vanguard:

Rebalance quarterly or yearly, but otherwise try and automatically invest, and never panic-sell. Just keep buying with the idea that with dollar-cost-averaging, the value of the stock market will hopefully go up ~7%/year averaged over a 1 or 2-decade period.

Dollar-cost-averaging means buying a steady amount bi-weekly, monthly, etc, and as prices go down, you’re getting more shares automatically, and as prices go up, that’s alright because it’s increasing the value of your portfolio.

Rebalancing means: Sell/buy portions of the above 3 funds until you are again at your target-ratio. I.e. if VTSAX outperformed VBTLX, and is now worth 65% of your account, sell the appropriate amount and distribute to the other 2 funds, so you’re back at your 60-40-10 ratio.

Benefits of the ‘Bogglehead’ strategy


Nassim Taleb Barbell Strategy

Nassim Taleb suggests that one should avoid the ‘middle-risk’/‘middle-reward’ path of stocks and index-funds, and instead get the best of both worlds by having:

This gives you a maximum 20% loss of total wealth, versus theoretically unbounded upside (a stock could crash and your put option could x10000, as an example)

The main downsides I see with this are: