





From Divers

To Do


A - D

Both in the vastness and the richness of the visible universe the invisible God is adumbrated. –L. Taylor.

Globes . . . provided as appurtenances to astronomy. –Bacon.

The structure of the eye, and of its appurtenances. –Reid.

Her hand he seis’d, and to a shadie bank, Thick overhead with verdant roof imbowr’d He led her nothing loath; Flours were the Couch, Pansies, and Violets, and Asphodel, And Hyacinth, Earths freshest softest lap.

– John Milton, Paradise Lost Book VIII.

For the Irascible passions do follow the temper of the heart, but the concupiscible distractions the crasis of the liver. – Sir Thomas Browne

Let us be set down at Queen’s Crawley without further divagation. –Thackeray.

The ladies and the knights, no shelter nigh, Were dropping wet, disconsolate and wan. –Dryden.

E - L

M - S

the paradise they found was a piece of meretricious trash – Carolyn See

rakish rantipole laughter –J.B. Cabell

T - Z

By Author / Book

Italo Calvino

Nag Hammadi Scriptures

Gene Wolfe

Book of the Long Sun

Castle of Days

The Sacred and the Profane

Structuralism and Semiotics

Jonathan Swift


Alfred Döblin

Lord Dunsany

Silvia Plath

Nassim Taleb

Georges Bataille





The New Well-Tempered Sentence

Categorized for Use











Sound, Music, Dance

Poem and Song Types


Architecture, Geography


From ChatGPT:

Sailing Vessel Type Description
Sailboat A general term for a boat propelled primarily by sails, ranging from small recreational vessels to larger cruising or racing yachts.
Catamaran A multihull vessel with two parallel hulls connected by a deck, offering stability and increased living space. Often used for leisure cruising and racing.
Trimaran Similar to a catamaran but with three parallel hulls, providing even more stability and speed. Popular for racing and offshore sailing.
Schooner A sailing ship with two or more masts, typically fore-and-aft rigged on the aftmost mast and square-rigged on the others. Schooners were commonly used as trading vessels and private yachts.
Ketch A two-masted sailing vessel with a shorter main mast and a taller mizzen mast located forward of the rudderpost. Ketches offer versatility and balance in various wind conditions.
Sloop A single-masted sailing boat with a fore-and-aft rig, typically having one headsail in addition to the mainsail. Sloops are popular for cruising and racing due to their manageable size.
Yawl Similar to a ketch, a yawl is a two-masted sailing vessel with a taller main mast located forward of the rudderpost and a smaller mizzen mast aft. Yawls provide excellent balance and maneuverability.
Brig A two-masted square-rigged vessel, commonly used as both a merchant ship and a warship in the 18th and 19th centuries. Brigs were known for their speed and maneuverability.
Barque A three-masted sailing vessel with square-rigged sails on the foremast and mainmast, and fore-and-aft rigged sails on the mizzen mast. Barques were often used for long-distance trade.
Clipper A fast sailing ship, usually with multiple masts and a streamlined hull design. Clippers were renowned for their speed and were used for transporting cargo, especially during the 19th century.
Gulet A traditional wooden sailing vessel, commonly found in the eastern Mediterranean region. Gulets are often used for leisure cruises and have a distinctive two- or three-masted schooner rig.
Catboat A single-masted sailing vessel with a wide beam and a large, un-stayed mast set near the bow of the boat. Catboats are known for their simplicity and stability, often used for fishing or leisure sailing.
Junk A traditional Chinese sailing vessel with distinctive battened sails. Junks have multiple masts and are known for their seaworthiness and ability to sail efficiently in various weather conditions.
Lugger A small to medium-sized sailing vessel with two or more masts, using a fore-and-aft rig on all masts. Luggers were historically used for fishing and coastal trading, and some modern versions are used for recreation.
Gaff Rig A type of rigging configuration with a four-sided fore-and-aft sail called a gaff sail. Gaff rigs are commonly found on smaller sailboats and offer simplicity and versatility.
Dhow A traditional sailing vessel commonly used in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean regions. Dhows have one or more lateen sails and are known for their ability to sail upwind efficiently. They were historically used for trade and fishing.

Boat Terms


Length and Area

Clothes, Furniture


Technical Terms


Tech, Vidya

Gems, Metals, Stones

When chalcedony is variegated with with spots or figures, or arranged in differently colored layers, it is called agate; and if by reason of the thickness, color, and arrangement of the layers it is suitable for being carved into cameos, it is called onyx. Chrysoprase is green chalcedony; carnelian, a flesh red, and sard, a brownish red variety.

–1913 Webster


Professions, Person-descriptors


Alluvion the flow of water against a shore or bank


shade; shadow;

the invariable or characteristic companion of a person or thing;

Astron. the complete or perfect shadow of an opaque body, as a planet, where the direct light from the source of illumination is completely cut off. Cf. penumbra; the dark central portion of a sunspot;

a phantom or shadowy apparition, as of someone or something not physically present; ghost; spectral image;

an evergreen tree, Phytolacca dioica, of southern California, that has white flowers and is grown as a ornamental.

Umbral adj.

Deosil, Deasil, Deasal, Deiseil, Deaiseal Right, rightward, clockwise, sunwise, sunward; opposite of widdershins

Widdershins, Tuathal Left, counter-clockwise, anti-clockwise, anti-sunward, anti-sunwise; opposite of Deosil

Orn v. to adorn


Prefixes and Suffixes




Religious man is not given; he makes himself, by approaching the divine models. These models, as we have said, are preserved in myths, in the history of the divine gesta–Mircea Eliade, The Sacred and the Profane

and Anthony Shaffer’s The Wicker Man (1973), with itssui generis condensation of paganism, folk music, andhorror – Mark Fisher, What is Hauntology

List of Latin Phrases




Made-up Words


Cost-benefit analogy

Rome wasn’t built by sitting around all day

Marquis de Salad

Kids: Duke, Earl, Contessa

Ridiculous Phrases

Sumptuous pleasure-palaces of the mind

A thousand thousand ancestors in their hovels breeding in the antique dusts of time

Longer Definitions


1. That which forms the basis of anything; underlying principle; a concept or mental entity conceived or treated as an existing being or thing;

2. (Theol.) Substance; subsistence; essence; person; personality; used by the early theologians to denote any one of the three subdivisions of the Godhead, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Note: The Council of Alexandria (a. d. 362) defined hypostasis as synonymous with person. –Schaff-Herzog;

3. Principle; an element; used by the alchemists in speaking of salt, sulphur, and mercury, which they considered as the three principles of all material bodies;

4. (Med.) That which is deposited at the bottom of a fluid; sediment;

Sine qua non an essential condition; a thing that is absolutely necessary. Latin, literally ‘(cause) without which not.’


1. a medicine, the ingredients of which are kept secret for the purpose of restricting the profits of sale to the inventor or proprietor; a quack medicine; any scheme or device proposed by a quack;

The incentives of agitators, the arts of impostors and the nostrums of quacks. –Brougham;

2. Any scheme asserted to solve a problem, but with no objective basis for belief in its effectiveness; esp., in politics, a scheme or proposal likely to prove popular with voters. [PJC]


1. (Rhet.) (a) A figure by which objections are anticipated or prevented. –Abp. Bramhall. (b) A necessary truth or assumption; a first or assumed principle;

2. (Chron.) An error in chronology, consisting in an event being dated before the actual time;

3. (Gram.) The application of an adjective to a noun in anticipation, or to denote the result, of the action of the verb; as, to strike one dumb; proleptic

Homaloid flat; even; a term applied to surfaces and to spaces, whether real or imagined, in which the definitions, axioms, and postulates of Euclid respecting parallel straight lines are assumed to hold true.




Good for refrains to be used multiple times with changing meaning througout a poem



Anthony Newly

Okay, folks, and for my next drink…

You’ve convinced me, I’m obviously the greatest living sex-symbol since Lawrence Welk!

My wife’s voice is a symphony and I hate every bloody note!

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